Our Clients recognise the importance of having the appropriate legal structures and arrangements, that compliance management is critical, as is a pro-active liability management. This is a core part of the Atlas Marine proposition – we identify risks and the necessary actions in these areas and develop solutions to address them.

Our offering leverages the depth of experience in insurance and legal to provide:

1. Legal and Contracting – We develop strong legal structures and leverage our strategic legal partners to support chartering, purchase and divestment. This exercises the full power of the Mercator network.

2. Compliance of Flag and Class – We support the compliance requirements of flag and class for vessels through the business life cycle.

3. Insurance and Liability Review – We have extensive experience of working in marine insurance at Hull, Cargo and Liability levels. We work for ship owners, charterers, repairers, shipyards, ports and terminals.

We quietly manage the hidden risks to deliver commercial success.

Interested in maximising your maritime business or opportunity?

Contact us to find out how we can work together

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