Our Clients demand reliable and sustainable returns for their investments, and we support such investments in vessels and operating companies. We also extend this into the support infrastructure such as port operations, remediations and logistics storage and supply chains.

The Atlas Marine approach is to leverage our extensive experience and tools in this space.

Our investment management service covers the key requirements of:

1. Vessel Asset Management – Our experts take on Client mandates to setup and manage the appropriate legal and operational structures to manage investments in Vessels.

2. Service Management – We provide the management needed to manage a Client’s maritime service, for example we offer a “build, operate and transfer” for a new service (and its associated business) which reduces both the investment and operational risk.

3. Project Implementation – We support the implementation of new services and businesses, as well as effecting change.

4. Investment Remediation – We help to remediate investments that have under-performed or have a reached an unsustainable commercial position, by assessing the investment and providing recommendations and plans.

We manage investments with a focus on success and transparency.

Interested in maximising your maritime business or opportunity?

Contact us to find out how we can work together

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