Our Clients require their businesses to be operated well, with minimal disruption and risk. We support this need using our full-stack of business services by having offering our internal capability and extensive partner networks. We can deploy this support quickly on a short term to medium basis.

The Atlas Marine approach is to leverage our extensive experience and tools in this space.

Our service covers:

1. Business Operations – Our experts take on Client mandates for business operations such as customer services, HR and talent management, facilities management, office management, and marketing.

2. Security and Controls – We provide the management needed to secure a Client’s maritime service both on-board a vessel and from a corporate perspective.

3. Financial Management – We provide the full operational finance capability needed to reconcile income with costs, manage cross border structures, and chartering.

4. Procurement – We manage the business procurement requirements for a business including selection, contracting and performance management.

We handle the day-to-day balancing act of running a maritime service and business.

Interested in maximising your maritime business or opportunity?

Contact us to find out how we can work together

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