Our Clients require the best insights and support for their businesses and projects. The Atlas Marine approach is to leverage real world experience, to think “outside the box”, and to focus on actions that are implementable.

Our advisory service covers the key requirements of:
1. Strategic Planning – how to progress a business or project from a strategic perspective, and how to build a strategic plan for implementation, drive change or obtain funding.
2. Risk Management – how to identify and mitigate risks, with a focus on practical options.
3. Due Diligence – how to identify issues in a deal, investment or other transaction.
4. Commercial Review – the stress testing of a commercial proposition for a proposed service or business and the assessment of an existing business.
5. Programme Management – the support of change and implementation throughout the business lifecycle.
We leverage our full-scope of services as required to provide any specialist input needed.
Interested in maximising your maritime business or opportunity?
Contact us to find out how we can work together

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+44 (0) 207 946 0018