Our Clients require the best advice and support for their vessel investments and management. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) requirements are increasingly becoming key factors for investment funding, customer decision making to use a service or operator. The Atlas Marine approach is to leverage our extensive experience and tools in this space.

Our ESG service covers the key requirements of:

1. Carbon Assessment – Our experts take on Client mandates to assess the carbon footprint across all three Scopes, as appropriate, to deliver a formally recognised emissions assessment. This approach reduces operational and therefore investment risk due to carbon emissions which are trending to taxation of services.

2. Holistic ESG Assessment – We extend our Carbon assessment to encompass all three ESG dimensions. We also consider governance beyond corporate standards into operational governance, (the ways of working of a service or business) to yield tangible benefits from the assessment.

3. Compliance and Reporting – We can provide support for evidencing ESG compliance and formal reporting, the latter through our Corporate partners and using digital tools.

We make ESG a powerful commercial ally, and not just a tax on the business.

Interested in maximising your maritime business or opportunity?

Contact us to find out how we can work together

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